How to solve the problem of laser cutting slag?

Introduction Laser cutting is a precise and efficient method of cutting materials such as steel, aluminum, and plastics. However, when laser cutting, slag can be a problem for many users. Slag is a by-product of the laser cutting process, and it can accumulate over time, making it difficult to achieve a smooth and precise cut. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can be used to reduce or eliminate the problem of laser cutting slag. In this article, we will discuss how to solve the problem of laser cutting slag, including the use of special cutting gases, advanced laser cutting systems, and careful maintenance of laser cutting equipment. Understanding the Causes […]
What is the maximum thickness for metal sheet that fiber laser cutting machines cut

Introduction Fiber laser cutting machines are used in many industries to cut metal and other materials. They are highly accurate and fast cutting machines, capable of cutting metal sheets up to a maximum thickness of 20mm. Fiber lasers are a relatively new technology and offer many benefits over traditional cutting methods such as plasma, water jet and laser cutting. They are more efficient and provide a higher quality cut with less material waste. They also require less maintenance and are more economical than other cutting methods. In this article, we will discuss the maximum thickness for metal sheet that fiber laser cutting machines can cut. What You Need to Know […]