Laser cleaning
Begin with a positive start.

1080 nm
10 m
150/300 mm
O melhor da tecnologia no membro mais pequeno da família
Embodying the finest technological advancements within the family, our laser welding machine stands as a testament to excellence. Aptly titled “The best of technology in the smallest member of the family,” this compact yet powerful device redefines precision and efficiency in laser cleaning. Its compact size belies its immense capabilities, as it harnesses cutting-edge innovations to deliver impeccable welds with unparalleled accuracy. With a seamless blend of sophistication and performance, this laser cleaning machine proves that even the smallest member can command the most exceptional results.
Desempenho baseado na robustez e, sobretudo, na fiabilidade.

Ergonómico e acessível
Presenting a harmonious fusion of form and content, our laser cleaning machine embodies the epitome of integration. Aptly described as “Form and content in a single solution,” this innovative marvel redefines the landscape of laser welding. Its sleek and ergonomic design seamlessly blends aesthetics with functionality, while its advanced technology ensures impeccable cleaning performance. This machine stands as a testament to the principle that true excellence arises when both form and content are meticulously united, offering a singular solution that elevates the standards of laser cleaning.

Forma e conteúdo numa única solução

As melhores escolhas mostram o seu valor ao longo do tempo
As time unfolds, the true worth of exceptional choices becomes evident. Our laser cleaning machine stands as a prime example of this principle – “The best choices show their value over time.” Crafted with precision and fortified with cutting-edge technology, this machine’s enduring performance speaks volumes. With every effect it creates, its value becomes increasingly apparent, reflecting the careful consideration put into its design and capabilities. As the years pass, its reliability, precision, and efficiency stand as a testament to the enduring significance of choosing the best.

O conjunto de software que cria valor

Libraries of functions that speed up and simplify design on the cleaning.
Estimativas exactas de tempo e custo dos lotes para um orçamento detalhado.
Planeamento remoto e acompanhamento em tempo real dos trabalhos em curso.
Tudo isto e muito mais faz a diferença todos os dias em termos de poder tirar o máximo partido de um sistema de corte a laserreduzindo os tempos de inatividade improdutivos e eliminando o desperdício.
Uma escolha de valor também envolve software.