Start off on the right foot

Plate cutting
Loading weight
Working area: 3000*1500mm
X-axis travel: 1520mm
Y-axis travel: 3020mm
Z-axis travel: 120mm
Ailenin en küçük üyesinde teknolojinin en iyisi
With the new plate Cutter cutting head equipped on the JQ-1530E, you will produce high quality parts. With automatic focus and integrated laser parameter management, there is no need for adjustments.
Sağlamlık ve her şeyden önce güvenilirliğe dayalı performans.

Ergonomik ve erişilebilir

1. Bus CNC System
2. Dual-motor Driven Exchange Platforms
3. Eco-friendly Cutting by Zoning Ventilation
4. Carbon Steel Welded Machine Bed
Tek bir çözümde biçim ve içerik

En iyi seçimler zaman içinde değerini gösterir
Plate lazer kesim is an efficient and reliable means of processing metal plates. The laser technology offers precise cuts with minimal heat distortion and burring, making it ideal for creating intricate parts for a wide array of industries. It can quickly cut any size plate with high accuracy, producing clean, burr-free edges. In addition to its accuracy and reliability, plate laser cutting offers considerable cost savings over traditional machining processes. This results in a faster turnaround time and lower overall production costs, allowing companies to maximize their profits while providing quality products that meet customer expectations. Plate laser cutting also requires minimal maintenance compared to other metalworking processes, resulting in fewer downtime interruptions due to equipment repairs or replacements. With its precision and cost-effectiveness, plate laser cutting is the best choice for manufacturers looking for long-term value.
Machine performance will remain robust, reliable and productive year after year.

Değer yaratan yazılım paketi

Design of parts and frames in a three-dimensional graphical CAD/CAM environment designed to exploit every performance margin of the plate cutting.
Libraries of functions that speed up and simplify design on the plate.
Ayrıntılı bir tahmin için doğru parti süresi ve maliyet tahminleri.
Uzaktan planlama ve devam eden işlerin gerçek zamanlı izlenmesi.
Tüm bunlar ve daha fazlası, her gün bir araçtan tam olarak yararlanabilmek açısından fark yaratıyor. lazer kesim sistemiverimsiz duruş sürelerini azaltır ve israfı ortadan kaldırır.
Değer seçimi aynı zamanda yazılımı da içerir.